Native New Zealand Bird Illustration

Ka Waiata Ki a Maria

Unknown Artist

Rīhari Puanaki

Ngāti Kahungunu

“E kore e pahawa i ēnei whārangi ruarua nei te nui o tō ātārangi nāna nei i whakamarumaru te tini me te mano, reanga atu, reanga mai. Engari tērā te ātārangi o te Atua te whakamarumaru nei i a koe, ināianei, ā haere ake nei. Moe mai rā i te mate pukupuku-koretanga o te pō, e te pāpā, e te poutokomanawa o Te Whare o Puanaki. Ko te aunga o te moe ki a koe”

Nā Hēnare Te Aika-Puanaki

I titoa e Richard Puanaki te waiata nei i ngā tau 80. Ki tana whānau, ko Dick, ko Rīhari rānei tana ingoa karanga, waihoki, ko ngā kōrero mō tēnei waiata i takea mai nō Rīhari e mahi atu ana i tana mīhana whakapono ki Whītī. Nōna e noha ana ki reira ka ihiihi tana ngākau i a ia e peita ana i a Maria i tētahi hinonga whare karakia. Heoi anō, nō te hui whakangahau a tana kapa kaingākau, arā, a Te Whetū o Te Rāwhiti, ka whānau mai a ‘Ka Waiata ki a Maria’.

Kāore i ārikarika tā Rīhari hoatu ki tana whānau, ki ana hapori, ki ngā kaupapa huhua anō hoki. Ko ia hoki tērā, atu i te kaitito waiata, he whetū kiriata, he kaiako, he tumuaki, ā, i tata tana tū hei pirihi mō te Hāhi Katorika. Ko ō Rihari uara, ko tōna anō whakapono hoki, i takea mai i te roanga o tana whai i te Katorikatanga, ko tana ōhākī he mea tuku iho e ia hei kawenga ake mā tōna whānau ki te āpōpō.

‘Ka Waiata ki a Maria’ was composed by Richard Puanaki in the mid-1980s. Affectionately known to his whānau as Dick or Rīhari, the story of this waiata began when Rīhari served on a faith mission in Fiji. During that time, inspiration struck him while he was painting Mary for a church project. However, it was not until he returned home to Aotearoa, amidst a social gathering with his beloved kapa haka Te Whetū o Te Rāwhiti, that ‘Ka Waiata ki a Maria’ was truly born.

Rīhari gave boundlessly to his whānau, communities, and many causes. To add to his accolades as a composer he also acted in films, was a kapa haka tutor, a teacher, a principal and almost became a priest of the Catholic Church. His deeply held values and convictions, rooted in his lifelong commitment to the Catholic faith, form an enduring legacy that his whānau proudly continue.

Native New Zealand Bird IllustrationKa Waiata Ki a Maria